Who's Looking to be FEATURED on
The Grindhouse Radio Website?
Great News!!! The Grindhouse Radio will now be FEATURING select MUSICIANS, ACTORS, VOICE ACTORS, COMEDIANS, SPORTS PERSONALITIES, CHEFS, AUTHORS, ARTISTS, COSPLAYERS, and PODCASTS here on our Official Website! We believe that success has to start somewhere - we want to do our part in putting the spotlight onto exceptional individuals and featuring them here for OUR fans to find. We are really looking forward to learning about all of you, what makes you tick, and why GHR should share your story.
*ALL submissions are subject to approval and will only be posted if the content is appropriate for our website. Please ensure that when submitting - you pick the proper profession in the questionnaire below. Only serious submissions will be entertained.
**You will be informed if your submission was approved and that your article is published.

Please Be Advised of the Following:
** ANY and ALL forwarding of a submission does NOT guarantee any airtime or interview on The Grindhouse Radio series - ONLY the Official website and ONLY if approved. Being approved does NOT guarantee that you or your act will be discussed on GHR, or any of the cast members Official Websites. It is at the discretion of our Cast members who and what they choose to cover and/or promote on-air, on-site and via social media.